Every year, thousands of people are victimized as a result of violent crime. This includes child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Consequently, the State of Oregon has recognized the needs of victims and their families. In 1977, the Oregon Crime Victims’ Compensation Program was enacted. The law lessens the financial losses suffered by the victim and the victim’s family as a result of violent crimes. 

What can Crime Victim Compensation do?

Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) can help pay for medical and counseling needs as a result of a violent crime. If a report has been made regarding your child to police or child welfare, your child may be eligible for CVC. It is important to note that this is a grant program, not an entitlement. Whether or not CVC  is awarded, the grant is based upon the evidence provided by investigators. Additionally, CVC is a payer of last resort; they ask that families use available insurance first. However, they can reimburse families for out-of-pocket expenses such as co-payments. Moreover, if a child has no insurance, CVC works like an insurance program to assist with medical and counseling needs that are directly related to the crime. If the family has no insurance, the program will also cover a child abuse assessment at Liberty House, regardless of whether or not there are findings of abuse.

How to Apply Electronically

  1. Access electronic applications from their portal: Crime Victim’s Compensation Portal
    1. Create an account.
    2. Submit the application.
    3. Upload documents to a claim.
    4. Check claim status and payments.
    5. Request assistance on a claim if needed

How to Apply via mail or e-mail

  1. Download application directly from here: CVC Application.pdf
  2. Fill out application completely.
  3. Sign application.
  4. Submit application via mail or e-mail to:

Oregon Department of Justice
Crime Victims’ Compensation Program
1162 Court Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-4096
Telephone: (503) 378-5348 or 1-800-503-7983
Email: cvssd@doj.state.or.us

If you or your child was a victim of a crime outside of Oregon go to:

You can also contact Liberty House at 503-540-0288 for a brochure and application.

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