Stuffed Animals and Blankets
Every child who visits our clinic gets to choose a stuffed animal and blanket or quilt to take home. These become and ongoing source of comfort and are a great way for community members to directly help children heal from their experiences.
Crucial Supplies
Our team needs many supplies like snacks, juice boxes, toys, games, and more to help make a visit to our clinic or therapy services as friendly and healing as possible. Please check out our wish-list for great in-kind and tax-deductible donation ideas.
Alternative Ways to Donate
Legacy Giving
Join our Legacy Giving Society! Make a lasting gift through estate plans, life insurance, stocks, and more that will help children for years to come. Legacy gifts go toward the Liberty House Endowment fund. Contact us at 971-599-5876 or email to get more information and see what method of support works best for you.